“We planned and coordinated a large wedding this past weekend where a total room flip was required. I wanted to let you know how AMAZING your staff was during this event. Throughout the whole planning process, I worked with Sandra. She was very helpful and prompt with my many change requests to my client’s rental order. We also hired four members of your staff to assist us with the room flip and they were an absolute life saver! They were organized, quick and very helpful. They made sure that each table was in the right place according to my floor plan design and also helped me count the number of chairs around each table to make sure everything was perfect before they left. Without their assistance, it would not have gone as smoothly as we only had an hour to complete this task for my client.
I just wanted to take the time to let you know how grateful I am for everyone at Mercieca Chairs & Tables Hire and for each staff member who has helped me so much with my business. They are truly a blessing!”